Due to COVID being less infectious outside and the ability to social distance, camping is one of the safest options for anyone who is looking to get away.
Campsites have more space between occupants, with pitches often being spread out with over 5 meters distance between them.
Owning a motorhome and having the peace of mind to be self-contained means people can enjoy a staycation without the worry of cross contamination.
You will be sleeping in your own bed with your own bedding, cooking in your own kitchen space with your own utensils and using your own bathroom without having to worry about how deep cleaned the facilities have been before your use them.
Motorhomes being a ‘home from home’ and giving you the ability to be self-contained in your own bubble, means you can enjoy your holiday without the extra worry.
Here at TC Motorhomes we are seeing extra interest from people who are starting to recognise, that owning a motorhome could be a great investment for people who like to travel, and explore pastures new.
There are lots of great locations around the UK, taking a look at various websites such as Travel Supermarket, The camping and caravan club,
you can get some great suggestions of places to visit in the UK, oh and there are many Country Pubs and Vineyards in the UK that are `Motorhome friendly` .. https://www.britstops.com/welcome.php
Looking at places such as TripAdvisor as well means you can find some information from people who have already visited locations of interest, along with adding some tips for your stay.
Due to the current economic situation in the UK as the lockdown eases it would be great to support British businesses, who have been having a worrying time not knowing how and if things will ever get back to normal again.
Please note although you are currently allowed to use your motorhome to travel to other destinations you are still not allowed to camp out in your motorhome overnight away from your home, but hopefully the advisers will see fit to relax the travel rules further very soon.. Watch this space ...